Glossary of Fuji Scalable Placement Platform NXT Programming

FUJI_NXT Scalable SMT Placement Platform


alternate feeder

An empty slot on a feeder table can be readied with the same part that is being supplied from another feeder position. When the original feeder runs out of parts, the pick-up position changes to this alternate feeder. Multiple alternate feeders can be specified. When an alternate feeder runs out of parts the next alternate feeder in the loop is used. If the feeder is the last feeder in the loop then the original feeder is used again.


This is found in the coordinate data in the job and specifies which machine is to use the mark or place the part/glue dot.



An portion of the machine’s memory used to stores recipes that aren’t being used. A “background” recipe is a recipe at a Conversely, active recipes are referred to as “foreground” recipes.


The smallest independent unit of a printed circuit board on which electronic components are placed

BOM file

An acronym for “Bill Of Materials”. The BOM file containes data such as part numbers for each location that corresponds to a reference designator on the board. this file may contain extra fields to add to the job’s part data.



Networking software that facilitates communication between Fuji Flexa and placing machines. Text data transmitted by the Transmission Server application is passed to the C/C, which converts the text data into binary data that can be transmitted to machines. The C/C also converts binary data received from machines into text data CAD file A file which is output from a CAD system. This file generally contains the reference designators, X,Y coordinates, and angles, etc., for each location on the board.

calibration data

Machine-specific data that is required for a machine to operate. An example of calibration data would be the data that defines the spatial relationships between various machine components.

CCIMF format

An intermediary file format. F4G programs and part data translated by Port Wizard are output as CCIMF files. Recipes from FujiCam are in CCIMF format.

centroid CAD

This is a text file that has the coordinates and reference designators for parts. Each line in the file has data for one part only. Sometimes other data is present such as the part number, panel side.

coordinate data

Data that displays in Job Builder, that has the position data and other necessary settings for each part, mark, and glue dot.



The Fuji Flexa component that is used for data management, transmission, and managing factory lines and machines. In addition, this provides easy access to many of the other Flexa components



A group of leads on the same side of a part which have the same length, width, and pitch.


fiducial mark

A mark that is used to adjust the positioning when parts are placed on a board. Fiducial marks are printed onto the substrate together with the circuit pattern, thereby creating a constant indicator of the pattern’s present location. There are 3 types of fiducial marks: part fiducials, board fiducials, and panel fiducials.

Fuji Flexa

This a production line host system for creating, editing, transmitting recipes to Fuji SMT machines. In addition to the recipe management functions, the system is used for monitoring the production status of the machines and managing machine specific data.


global job

A job that is saved on the Job Server and is accessible to all users of that User Server

glue mark

These are for glue machines only. At the beginning of production, trial check glue dots can be produced by the machine to ensure that the glue volume is correct. The data for glue mark is used to check the size of the trial check glue dots. If the trial check glue dots are not the correct size, the glue application air pressure is adjusted.


Icon Bar

By default this displays to the left of the Director screen below the toolbar. The icon bar is divided into groups, each is opened by clicking the group name on the gray button. By clicking an item in the icon bar, it is possible to change the Director display, perform an action, or open a program



All the data that is required for the production of a single panel, stored in a single group.

job builder

The Fuji Flexa component that is used to create and edit jobs.

job information bar

By default, this is positioned at the left side of the window. This organizes the data in a job into an easy to use format. The information in the bar is split into groups: General, Part Data, Mark Data, and Top. If relational mode is enabled then the tabs, Shape Data and Package Data also display. Data within a tab is arranged in a hierarchical format.

job server

This is a server ran on a computer and specifies the location of the global jobs and manages access to those jobs. This server retrieves jobs for users and also locks jobs so that no other user can alter a job while it is opened by the first user.


line balance

A process whereby tasks are distributed among the machines on a production line. This is performed to attempt to make the working time for each machine on the line to be as close as possible

line configuration

Data describing the types of machines that make up lines and their special settings. This also describes all of the lines for the factories and the their order.

Line Editor

The Fuji Flexa component used to create and edit the line configuration.

Line Monitor

The Fuji Flexa component used to monitor the real time production performance of entire lines and individual machines in the line configuration.

Line Reporter

The Fuji Flexa component used to generate production reports according to specified settings. Reports can be prepared for obtained production data up to 7 days (i.e., 168 hours) prior to the time of report generation.

line server

This is a server ran on a computer and specifies the location of the line configuration files and manages access to these files.

local job

A job that is stored on a local computer . This job is not managed by the Job Server and is not accessible to any other users.


machine configuration

A file that specifies the configuration, process options, available nozzles and feeders for a machine. Each machine in the line must have a configuration with the specific parameters for that machine.


Sets of instructions that are automatically performed when activated.

Macro Manager

The Fuji Flexa component used to create, modify, save, and run macros mark data There are five different types of mark data. They are fiducial marks, skip marks, glue marks,

mask marks, and panel ID marks

Mark Editor

The Fuji Flexa component used to create and edit mark data.

mark library

The library in which mark data is stored. The part data server manages access to this library.

mask mark

These are marks used by printing machines to align the printing stencil with the board. The printing machine inspects the fiducial marks on the board and mask marks on the stencil and then adjusts the stencil position to compensate for any misalignment between the two.

MCSIMF format

An intermediary file format. MCS programs and part data translated by Port Wizard are output as MCSIMF files.

menu bar

This displays below the title bar for programs. Commands are organized into groups and these group names display on the menu bar. By clicking a name, the menu with the commands for that group displays. Click an item to perform that command.

Model name

The Model name is a generic machine name that is used when using multiple lines with identical line and machine configurations (including nozzles, parts supply unit etc.). This allows users to use the same recipe from machine to machine when producing identical panels on multiple lines.


non-relational mode

This is a mode used for part data. When this mode is used the “Part Number”, “Shape Name” and “package Name” data is all saved under the one file name. there is no interlinking between the different part data this mode prevents user from accidentally editing package and shape data for various part at one time and is similar to Fuji’s previous host system, MCS. This mode is specified in Flexa Server Setup in the [System settings] dialog box on the computer running the user server.

Nozzle Mapper

The Fuji Flexa component that is a conversion tool designed to convert the nozzle settings for part data when importing Port Wizard translated CCIMF or MCSIMF data from F4G or MCS into Job Builder.



The process where machine instructions are reordered so that the machine operates optimally. Normally, the processing sequence and feeder positions are rearranged in a manner that minimizes the machineís working time.


package data

Data that describes packaging used for parts. The packageís type. dimensions, pitch, and other parameters that a machine needs to process that package for the part that uses that data. This data is comprised of two groups of data, package information, and package process.

Package Editor

The Fuji Flexa component that is used to create and edit package data. This editor is only available if relational mode is enabled from the Flexa Server Setup.

package information

Data that has the settings that are used to describe the package. The package’s pitch, dimensions, and type are examples of settings found in package information. This is one of the groups of data that makes up package data.

package library

The library in which package data is stored. This library is only accessible if relational mode is enabled in Flexa Server Setup. The part data server manages access to this library.

package process

Data that has the settings on how the packaging using that data is to be processed by the machine. Feeder options, reel diameter, and do advanced vacuum are examples of settings found in package process. This is one of the groups of data that makes up package data.


The entire printed circuit board (PCB) upon which electronic components are placed. A panel may be composed of one or more actual boards.

part data

All part data items. This refers to data for the part number, shape data, and package data if relational mode is enabled. If it is not enabled, then shape data and package data is not displayed.

part data server

This is a server ran on a computer and specifies the location of the part data files and manages access to these files.

Part Editor

The Fuji Flexa component that is used to create and edit part data. If relational mode is enabled from the Flexa Server Setup, this editor is used to create and edit part number data. If non-relational mode is used, this editor is used to create and edit all part data

part library

The library in which part data is stored. The part data server manages access to this library part templates

These are sections of part data that have been created to be used for future part data creation. Part templates can be imported into part data reducing the amount of data input necessary when creating new data. After importing the template, only the data that differs from the template needs to be edited. Templates can be created for “Shape Information”, “Shape Process”, “Package Information” and “Package Process” data.

Part Template Editor

The Fuji Flexa component that is used to create and edit part templates.



Operation instructions for individual machines, created after the completion of line balancing and optimization processing. In the past, Fuji has referred to recipes as “Production programs”.

relational mode

This is a mode used for part data. This mode allows a “Part number” to be alinked to a shared “Shape” and “package”. The relational mode allows multiple “part number” records to use the same shape data record and/or package data, thus minimizing the size of the libralies. in addtion, by editing a packageing or shape record that is accessed by multiple part numbers, all the part data for all the part numbers are updated at one time. This is similar to Fuji’s previous host system, FujiCam. When this mode is active, three components are used to create and edit the different data. This mode is specified in Flexa

Server Setup in the [System settings] dialog box on the computer running the user server


Schedule Assembler

The Fuji Flexa component that is used to associate schedule tables and ID code tables with production lines, viewing the current tables, and changing the next recipe to be used from a schedule table for HELPS machines.

Schedule Builder

The Fuji Flexa component that is used to create and edit schedule and/or ID code tables for HELPS machines

Schedule Viewer

The Fuji Flexa component that is used to display the schedule and ID code tables associated with HELPS lines and machines.


Networking software that facilitates communication between Fuji Flexa and placing machines. Communication is performed over an Ethernet cable.

shape data

Data that describes a part’s dimensions, the quantity and size of pins (leads), and other parameters that a machine needs to process a part that uses that data. This data is comprised of two groups of data, shape process and shape information.

Shape Editor

The Fuji Flexa component that is used to create and edit shape data. This editor is only available if relational mode is enabled from the Flexa Server Setup.

shape information

Data that has the settings that are used to describe the part. The part’s dimensions, the quantity and size of pins (leads), and element information are examples of settings found in shape information. This is one of the groups of data that makes up shape data.

shape library

The library in which shape data is stored. This library is only accessible if relational mode is enabled in Flexa Server Setup. The part data server manages access to this library.

shape process

Data that has the settings on how a part using that data is to be processed by the machine.

Lead process data, vision type, pick-up offsets are examples of settings found in shape process. This is one of the groups of data that makes up shape data.


This is a setting found in the coordinate data. When this is set to “Yes” for a record, the park or glue dot for that record will not be placed. If this is for a mark, the machines will not use that mark.

skip mark

A mark that is placed on a multi-board panel to prevent a machine from processing one of the boards on the panel. When a job includes an instruction to read a skip mark, the fiducial mark camera takes an image of the specified coordinates and looks for a mark made using a pen or a sticker. If a mark is detected, the machine does not process that board. The panel is ejected from the machine once any other boards have been completed. If the mark is for a panel and it is determined that the mark is present then the skip marks for the boards on the panel are checked. If the panel skip mark is determined to not be present then the machine skips reading any other skip marks and proceeds with reading fiducial marks.

status data

Data that determines how the machine will function in the event of an error and specifies the state of communications between the machine and the host computer.

Spec Keeper

The Fuji Flexa component that is used for creating, merging, and editing spec data.

spec data

This is data about the specifications of feeders, needles, nozzles, and nozzle stations.


title bar

This displays at the very top of all windows. The program and/or item’s name displays here and buttons to minimize, resize, and close the window are available in the title bar.


Many Flexa components have bars with buttons that display below the menu bar. Common commands can be performed by clicking the appropriate button on a toolbar.

Trace Viewer

The Fuji Flexa component that displays log, and replay data generated by Fuji Flexa. It also provides the ability to “peplay” certain events and to “package” a replayable event into a file that then can be used on another computer.


The process of sending recipes, calibration data, and other items to the machines.


user server

This is a server ran on a computer and is responsible for checking the Fuji Flexa licenses and for managing security. In addition, the user server specifies which computers are running the three data servers. For each license group there is only one user server. Data between different user server groups cannot not be shared except by exporting the data from one group and then importing it into the other group.


verify check

This is performed when the outline of the parts is available from Gerber CAD data or from the original CAD data. When this is performed a dialog box displays with the outline of the part or pads from the CAD data and the part from Fuji Flexa superimposed. If the positioning or rotation of the part from Fuji Flexa does not match the image from the CAD data then the positioning of the part can be adjusted until it matches

view mode

This indicates what data is being displayed in the window. Director has seven different view modes. The different view modes are used to perform different actions.

view mode bar

This displays between the toolbar and the data display panes in Director. The left side of the bar indicates which of the view modes is active, and the right side of the bar displays the user ID of the current user.

virtual line

This is a line than does not actually exist in the local factory. This line is used to create programs for a remote (unconnected) line, or for future line configurations that do not currently exist. Virtual Line is the same as “Offline Descripter” in MCS