Panasonic RHS2B List of Special Jigs and Tools (for Service Engineer)

Panasonic RHS2B List of Special Jigs and Tools (for Service Engineer)

1. V cutter positioning jig (Product No.: X01A08007)

2. Recognition height setting jig (Product No.: X01A08002)

3. Pallet parts chuck positioning jig (Product No.: X01A08001)

4. Parts jig (Product No.: X01A08006)

5. Origin plate (Product No.: X01A08004)

6. Pusher height setting jig (Product No.: X01A08005)

7. Transfer chuck and pallet height setting jig (Product No.: X01A08003)

8. Cut & clinch shaft parallelism setting jig

  • Common use pin: (Product No.: X01L00042)
  • For M clinch: (Product No.: X01L00102)
  • For T clinch: (Product No.: X01L00103)
  • 9. Lead correction claw forward/backward positioning stopper jig (Product No.: X01L00109)

    10. V-cut claw forward/backward positioning stopper jig (Product No.: X01L00110)

    11. MS pin (M5615) (Product No.: N986MS615)