Code 1: Ea00000 | Details: NO ERROR MESSAGE REGISTRATION, Error message for this error is not registered. Please consult your distributor for further information with this error number.
Code 2: Ea00001 | Details: CORRECTION DATA ERROR: Only 1 Lead is detected.
Code 3: Ea00002 | Details: CORRECTION DATA ERROR: Corrected data is not loaded. Or failed to adjust the rotational angle for FINE mode within limit. The limit is specified as FINE angle in machine data.
Code 4: Ea00003 | Details: COMPONENT DETECTION ERROR: Failed to find the first lead. Failed to find the first Lead Edge
Code 5: Ea00004 | Details: COMPONENT DETECTION ERROR: Failed to find second lead.
Code 6: Ea00005 | Details: LEAD NUMBER ERROR: The number of detected leads is different from a specified number.
Code 7: Ea00006 | Details: LEAD EDGES NUMBER ERROR: The number of detected lead edges is different from a specified number.
Code 8: Ea00007 | Details: LEAD DETECTION ERROR: Failed to find the lead top.
Code 9: Ea00008 | Details: LEAD PITCH ERROR: The detected Lead Pitch is out of tolerance.
Code 10: Ea00009 | Details: COMPONENT DATA ERROR: The Component data was not loaded.