Follow the steps below to allow the registered users to access the NXT information through Kit Handy.
1. Open Kit Manger by using the shortcut in the start up menu.
2. Enter “FUJIADMIN” as the user ID and then enter the appropriate password and service name for the master database. It is necessary to log on with this ID to change the Kit Handy settings.
3. Click [OK] and Kit Manager starts.
4. Double-click the factory from the left pane and the lines for that factory display.
5. Double-click the line to display the machines for that line.
6. Select the NXT machine and then right-click. A shortcut menu displays.
7. Select [Handy User Settings] from the shortcut menu. The [Handy User Settings] dialog box for the selected machine displays.
8. Enter the user ID to be registered in the [User ID] text box.
9. Click [Add] and the entered user ID displays in the list.
10.Continue repeating steps 8 to 9 until all of the user IDs for that NXT have been registered.
11.Click [Close] to complete the user ID registration process. The registered user IDs are now capable of accessing the information screens for that NXT.
12.Log off Kit Manager by selecting [Exit] from the [File] menu.