Part 4 – Setting auto backup pins (from FUJI NXT V3.10 and higher)


This is used with the optional automatic backup pin function on the NXT. It is necessary to have Fuji Flexa V1.5.4 or higher and NXT control software V3.10 or higher in order to use this function. In addition, if the NXT does not have this option, then any settings made regarding this are ignored by the machine.

1. Select the [Top] or [Bottom] tab from the job information bar depending on the side of the panel the machine to be edited is located.

2. Double-click the name of the line to display the machines in that line.

3. Double-click the name of the machine for which to set the auto backup pins.

4. Double-click [Configuration] under the machines name and a window displays in the data area.

5. There are several tabs at the bottom of the [Machine Configuration] pane. Select the [Process Options] tab and the process options for the machine display.

6. Select “Yes” from the drop-down list from the [Use Auto Backup Pin] setting in the [Backup Plate] group.

Note: If a special backup plate is required, enter the name of the required backup plate in the [Backup Plate Name] field on this page.

7. Double-click [Backup Pin] in the [Top]/[Bottom] tab in the job information bar.

8. Select [Display] from the [Format] menu and click the [Backup Pin] tab.

9. Set the desired colors for the top and bottom parts in order to distinquish between them better in the view and click [OK].

10.In the first empty row, double-click in that row’s cell in the [Level] column and a drop-down list displays. Select the level for the backup pin. Refer to the table below for details.

  • Global When this is selected, the backup pin is placed at the specified position in all modules. This is the default setting.
  • Local When this is selected, the backup pin is placed at the specified position only in the module placing a specified part. When this setting is selected, the related part reference number must be specified in the [Edit Part Info] dialog box for that backup pin.
  • 11.Click the data cell in the [Ref] column for that row to select that item.

    12.Enter a unique reference designator for the backup pin. It is possible to use the default name, as long as it is not used anywhere else in the job as a reference designator.

    13.Click the data cell in the [Pos X] column for that row to select it.

    14.Enter the X-coordinate for the backup pin to be set. This coordinate is based on the panel origin position.

    Note: If the coordinate position is not known, click in the view and move the pointer to the position to set the backup pin. Note the coordinates that display in the left side of the status bar. These are the values that should be entered as the X- and Y-coordinates for the backup pin.

    15.Click the data cell in the [Pos Y] column for that row to select it.

    16.Enter the Y-coordinate for the backup pin to be set. This coordinate is based on the panel origin position.

    17.If the [Level] setting for the backup pin is “Local”, then select that row by clicking the gray box to the left of the row. Right-click and select [Edit Part Info]. Click to button to the right of the [Ref. list] display and select the reference designator for the part that the backup pin is to be linked with from the displayed list. Click [OK] and then [OK] in the [Edit Part Info] dialog box. The backup pin is then linked to the specified part and will be set in the module that places that part.

    Note: It is possible to select multiple parts in the displayed list.

    18.Repeat steps 10 to 17 until all of the desired backup pins have been specified for that side of the panel.

    19.Repeat these procedures to make backup pin settings for the other side of the board.