Ea0010 – Ea00019 Yamaha Motor Error Codes For Standard Function on VGOS V2.46STD R1.000

Yamaha YS24 YS12P YS12F YS100 YS88 YS12 SS Intelligent Feeder 8mm KHJ MC100 000 side c

Code: Ea00010 | Details: COMPONENT DATA ERROR: Failed to download the component data. Memory for component data is full.

Code: Ea00011 | Details: COMPONENT DATA ERROR: This component data already exists.

Code: Ea00012 | Details: COMPONENT DATA ERROR: The component shape is illegal.

Code: Ea00013 | Details: VISION BUSY ERROR: Vision system is now recognizing.

Code: Ea00014 | Details: VISION TIME_OUT ERROR: Time-out occurred: Vision recognition is aborted. The start trigger did not come in.

Code: Ea00015 | Details: VISION TIME_OUT ERROR: Time-out occurred: Vision recognition aborted. Sync. signal from the camera did not come in.

Code: Ea00016 | Details: DATA ERROR: Failed to find this component data on Disk drive. Check Disk drive.

Code: Ea00017 | Details: NOZZLE DETECTION ERROR: Failed to find the nozzle center.

Code: Ea00018 | Details: REFERENCE MARK DETECTION ERROR: Failed to detect reference mark edge of moving direction.

Code: Ea00019 | Details: REFERENCE MARK DETECTION ERROR: Failed to detect reference mark position of moving direction.