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SRAM Backup Power Source (J22) on Motorola MVME162P4 VME Embedded Controller

Header J22 determines the source for onboard static RAM backup power on the MVME162P4. In the factory configuration, VMEbus +5V standby voltage serves as primary and secondary power source (the onboard battery is disconnected).

The backup power configurations available for onboard SRAM through header J22 are illustrated in the following diagram.

Note: For MVME162P4s without the optional VMEbus interface (i.e., without the VMEchip2 ASIC), you must select the onboard battery as the backup power source.

Caution: Removing all jumpers may temporarily disable the SRAM. Do not remove all jumpers from J22, except for storage.

Note: Model Number: MVME162P-344SE, Characteristics: 32MHz 68040, 16MB SDRAM, 2 SIO, 4 DMA IP, SCSI/Ethernet is used on Universal UIC HSP4797L Hitachi Sanyo TCM-X100 P.C.B. Mount 6300901030

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