If there is a vision error or pick up errors for a feeder, a device check is required for that position before production can be resumed. Follow the procedures below to perform a device check.
8.5.1 Using Kit Handy
1. Start the Fuji Information Terminal and tap the Windows mark to display the [Start Menu]. Tap [Kit Handy] to display the [Log on] screen.
2. Enter the user ID and tap [OK]. It is possible to also scan the user ID. The Kit Handy menu displays.
3. Tap [Device Check] and the machine specification screen displays.
4. Enter or scan the name of the NXT machine for which to perform the device check and tap [OK].
5. Tap [Mode] from near the top of the display and then tap [Device Check].
6. Tap the device for which to perform the device check to select that device. This position should have an error icon and be a different color due to the error condition.
7. Scan the DID of the part on the feeder that is for the selected position. The screen changes to display the scanned DID in the [DID] text box.
8. Scan the feeder barcode and the result is entered in [FIDL] text box. If no errors occur, the dialog box automatically closes and the error status is cleared. Production can resume using this feeder.