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8.2 Required Items Of 8. Fujitrax Verifier on FUJI NXT

6.5.2 Testing A Job Using Simulation Mode For 6.5 Testing Jobs (Nxt V3.10 And Higher) Of 6. Editing Jobs On The Machine on FUJI NXT side a

(1) In order to use Fujitrax Verifier with the NXT, there are several required items.

(1-1) Fujitrax Verifier Central Server must be installed and running on the computer with the Kit Server.

(1-2) The NXT must be added to the line configuration for the computer with the Kit Server.

(1-3) The NXT Fujitrax configuration setting must be turned on.

(1-4) The NXT user must be added to the Kit Handy Settings when using Kit Handy.

(2) Follow the procedures below to perform these actions.

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